Sunday, February 20, 2011

Driving the old truck on garbage from one end of the US to the other (and back)

Getting ready to take the truck on a trip of almost 4000 miles without stopping at a gas station, by carrying all the fuel. There are several advantages; I know this fuel is clean and filtered well, less risk of getting stranded with clogged filters and a tank full of more of the same, and I have a surplus due to some issues with the truck that kept me from driving it much over the winter. So below you are seeing 45 cubies of oil, in addition to a 40 gallon tank. Each cube contains about 5 gallons.We'll see how this goes.

Update: The trip went great, almost 4000 miles, no issues and no need to stop at gas stations. Next time I'll try and filter some down in So California.

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