Thursday, July 13, 2006

State offers incentive for home solar-power units
Pumping electricity into grid pays 15 cents a kilowatt-hour

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Downtown Recycling Club!

The Lands Council has a new project: The Downtown Spokane Recycling Club. This project, which consisted of surveying local restaurants, pubs, and bars to assess rates of recycling and business reasons for lack of recycling, was conceived to increase the rate of recycling among local businesses. If you go to their website, you'll find a link to the project, and then a link to cards that they have created. These cards ask businesses to start recycling. You can bring these cards with you to restaurants, and ask them if they recycle, and if so what they recycle. If they don't, or have limited recycling, leave a card with your bill to encourage them to start recycling. If they do, make sure you thank them. Consumer pressure for recycling is the best way to make businesses listen. With your help, we can begin to increase the rate of recycling among businesses here in Spokane. Thank you! Here is a link to the recycling page: